LanzaTech: Radically Rethinking Industrial Business Models
For all the wonderful science and engineering advances that LanzaTech has made in the process of commercializing its research into genetic engineering and synthetic biology.
A visit this summer to New Zealand-American synthetic biology company, LanzaTech, opened my eyes to what the term “paradigm shift” means. LanzaTech is an industrial chemicals company that leverages innovations in biology, artificial intelligence, and precision engineering to create the molecules that make everything from yoga pants to jet fuel possible – all without digging up fossil fuels.
This is the fourth article in a series about LanzaTech, focusing in on changes to the way LanzaTech is shifting the business model for a commodities chemical business. For a background about the company, here is my overview of LanzaTech, here is a deep dive into the science of “synthetic biology” that underpins the company’s success, and here is a close look at LanzaTech’s engineering innovations.
For all the wonderful science and engineering advances that LanzaTech has made in the process of commercializing its research into genetic engineering and synthetic biology, the phenomenal shift in business model that LanzaTech is making may be the most revolutionary aspect of this amazing company.
The paradigm shift in business models that LanzaTech is nurturing is the topic of this article.
Back to the Future
The Industrial Revolution brought about an enormous shift in work culture that continues to this day. Local artisanal production gave way to centralized mass-production as young people abandoned their villages to work as machine operators in urban factories.
In those early days, it must have seemed crazy to the local blacksmith that his young, talented apprentice would abandon his trade, kin, and village to work in a dank factory in cold, dangerous, and faraway Manchester.
Today – two hundred years into the fossil-fuel powered Industrial Revolution – it seems just as ludicrous to abandon the concept of centralized production.
As crazy as it may sound, the weaknesses of centralized production systems and its reliance on the same fossil fuels that are destroying our ecosystem’s capacity to support life make a paradigm shift back to localized production an existential imperative, in your correspondent’s opinion.
Weaknesses Inherent in a Centralized Production Model
While we think of centralized production is “natural” and “efficient”, it carries with it definite risks.
For example, there is the “all your eggs in one basket” problem. According to the Energy Information Agency, somewhere around half of all US petrochemical production is centered in the area on either side of the Texas-Louisiana border, between Houston and New Orleans.
According to NOAA, a total of 111 named tropical storms have hit that exact area between 1851 and today. Three of the five most severe storms have occurred since 2004, including Ivan, Rita, and Laura – the last of which caused extensive damage to petrochemical plants in Lake Charles, Louisiana.
We’ve got a lot of eggs in a single geographical basket, and while that set-up might seem “efficient”, it is certainly not robust to increasingly severe tropical storm systems.
Centralized production also usually means long supply chains. Jared Diamond’s book, Collapse, offers several examples of how harmful a reliance on long supply chains has been to civilizations throughout history. If you’d like an excellent, visceral illustration of this, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better example than a photo of a registered nurse wearing a plastic garbage bag rather than personal protection equipment during the early days of the Covid crisis in the wealthiest city in the history of civilization.
Another risk of centralized production is the concentration of harmful waste products. Burning rivers, toxic air, and black water are a few of the factors which convinced bi-partisan support for Nixon’s Environmental Protection Agency in the early 1970s.
These are some of the downsides of the Industrial Revolution paradigm of concentrating and scaling up production volumes. But it is not as though we can simply stop producing what we are producing now. How can we maintain our standard of living and continue to use the products we have come to know and love without suffering from these problems?
The answer lies in a distributed model that “numbers up” rather than “scales up.”
Numbering Up versus Scaling Up
LanzaTech’s CEO, Jennifer Holmgren, PhD., started her career as a newly-minted PhD working for Universal Oil Products in Chicago. This firm, now owned by Honeywell, essentially invented the modern petrochemical manufacturing industry by developing and patenting the oil refining technique known as thermal cracking back in 1914.
With this professional background, Holmgren knows a lot about the thermal catalytic processes that form the basis for the legacy petrochemical refining process; she also understands its strengths and weaknesses very well.
“Thermal catalysis is not selective,” she told me. “Any time you refine something, you need a lot of inputs and a lot of process steps. By applying enough non-selective steps on a large volume of input material, eventually, you will be able to produce desired outputs in commercial quantities. This dynamic is why you need large-scale facilities to make the process economically viable – you literally need to build a 200,000-barrel a day factory or you will go out of business.”
After Honeywell acquired UOP, Holmgren found her way into cutting-edge research that was being done in biofuels. She spearheaded Honeywell’s efforts in the Green Hornet project – proving that a 50% biofuel blend could function as a drop-in replacement to conventional jet fuel to power an F-18 fighter jet (something that many industry observers thought was impossible when the project was first announced).
Considering this experience, Holmgren also knows an enormous amount about the strengths and weaknesses of manufacturing biofuels.
“The main problem we had,” Holmgren told me, “Was finding enough input material – used cooking oil and so forth – to manufacture biofuels in the volumes we needed.”
When Holmgren realized that LanzaTech was able to sweep up waste carbon emissions from other industrial and agricultural production processes to create a flexible commodity chemical like ethanol that could be further synthesized into a host of useful substances (including sustainable aviation fuels – SAF), she realized there was a viable solution to the raw material scarcity problem.
She also understood, however, that the way people conceived of commodity chemical manufacturing had to completely change. Rather than scaling up – building an enormous facility to produce huge volumes of commodity chemicals – the new paradigm would involve “numbering up” – increasing the count of facilities capable of producing lower volumes of the chemicals.
“Biological processes are much more selective than thermo-catalytic ones, so you only need a single, targeted process step. This means operating at a completely different scale than the one at which a multi-step refinery operates,” she explains. “The conceptual shift towards using biology as an enabler for selective, small-scale production aligned very well with the work of an MIT professor whose work I had been reading with admiration for about twenty-five years – Dr. Klavs Jensen. Jensen has pioneered the idea of micro-manufacturing and made the point that there are different ways to increase production volumes: scaling up versus numbering up.”
Millions of Producers Worldwide
The change of perspective from scaling up to numbering up turns out to be useful because the streams of waste gases LanzaTech can use as inputs for its biological processes tend to be geographically distributed and to be emitted in smaller amounts.
For instance, as I mentioned in my earlier article about LanzaTech engineering, LanzaTech can attach one of its anaerobic bacterial bioreactors just as easily to a steel plant as to a municipal waste dump’s gasification plant.
Following this train of thought to its logical conclusion suggests millions of potential possible production sites worldwide – all of which are locally producing chemicals essential to our modern lives while capturing greenhouse gases as they do it.
This kind of numbering up would turn the business of commodity chemical production on its head! Rather than local municipal waste dumps being hazardous burdens, they would become profit centers, allowing cities to lower taxes, provide more public services, and the like.
However, it’s safe to say that most people working in the municipal waste industry do not have a firm grasp on genetic engineering or synthetic biology. This is why today, LanzaTech’s focus is on making their cutting-edge bioreactor units able to be operated safely and effectively by non-experts.
LanzaTech’s Director of Bioinformatics, Dr. Wayne Mitchell tells me that a lot of the AI research he is working on right now involves just that goal – creating intelligent monitoring systems that will allow someone with zero background in genetic engineering and biological processes to easily maintain LanzaTech bioreactor operating conditions at peak performance.
While LanzaTech is currently working with a few large partners such as IndianOil Corporation and ArcelorMittal to build bioreactors, someday, it will become more of a “software” company – shipping out genetically modified anaerobic bacteria to power partners’ bioreactors in the same way that Tesla pushes out software updates to its cars.
The Power of Adaptability
The fact that LanzaTech will be able to supply its global partners with anaerobic bacteria is another revolutionary element to the company’s business model.
Recall that a LanzaTech bioreactor is designed to nurture any number of strains of anaerobic bacteria, each of them modified to produce a different chemical product. This fact creates enormous optionality for worldwide licensees of LanzaTech technology.
Say, for example, that the local market price of Chemical A is low compared to the local market price of Chemical B. In the old paradigm, if your factory was tuned to produce X barrels of Chemical A, you had no choice but to continue to produce that much of it, no matter if the market price was low.
Using LanzaTech’s bioreactor, however, when the price of Chemical A is low compared to Chemical B, all a manufacturer needs to do is to order a supply of a bacterial strain that metabolizes Chemical B and voila – you can now switch to selling Chemical B.
A Level Playing Field
Large chemical manufacturers can expect to generate operating profits in the mid-single digit percentage range on average. The reason they can maintain this level of profitability is because they are not, in fact, paying all the costs associated with their operations.
Specifically, commodity chemical company incumbents avoid paying a fair rate for the disposal of waste in the form of greenhouse gas emissions.
Since the early-1970s, clean air regulations have caused the cost of refining in the U.S. to increase somewhat. However, powerful incumbents were able to absorb some of these additional costs or pass them onto customers; they also lobbied politicians to allow for slower implementation and lower penalties, and moved some production overseas where the regulatory oversight was…less stringent.
The ethanol that LanzaTech reactors produce are more expensive than ethanol produced by commodity chemical competitors and part of the reason for this difference is that the competition is forcing humanity to pay part of their bill.
In contrast with its competition, LanzaTech is using a production process that:
Soaks up greenhouse gases rather than emitting them,
Allows for less geographical concentration,
Creates greater climate disaster-related resiliency,
Offers greater flexibility in end product,
Opens the possibility of bringing jobs back to “fly-over country”, and
Reduces dependency on long, foreign supply chains.
In a perfect world, these factors would mean that LanzaTech’s products would be at least an order of magnitude more valuable than products manufactured by competitors. Unfortunately, ours is a highly imperfect world where incumbents hold undue and damaging influence over the lever of political power, so can avoid or delay sensible public policies.
Watching domestic political news over the past few weeks and reading through news stories about the upcoming 26th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (COP 26) causes your correspondence immense frustration.
Governments have it well within their power to simply set the playing field in a way that would encourage the capital markets to incentivize brilliant people like LanzaTech’s Holmgren and Simpson to do what they do best – solve big problems.
Humanity is facing the greatest crisis in history right now. Which is to say, we are also offered the greatest opportunity in history right now as well. Innovative, paradigm-shifting companies like LanzaTech are offering great solutions to help us avoid the lurking existential crisis. It is time for governments to do the absolute minimum that is in their power to do: create a truly level playing field on which innovative companies can compete fairly.
Intelligent investors – and dithering politicians – take note.